MIKE CARGILE - The Family Man for California’s 35th Congressional District

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Jobs and the Economy

“That which governs least, governs best!” – Thoreau

The solution to our economic situation is, and always has been, lower taxes, less fees and fewer government regulations.

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As a Christian and a family man, I stand for the sanctity of the Biblical definition of Marriage and the protection of the nuclear family. The family unit is the cornerstone of our society, as it goes, so goes the Nation.

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We need a new plan… THE CARGILE PLAN. Upon completion of the wall, all non-citizens residing within the continental United States prior to 2016, will have an expedited 3 year period to begin filing for citizenship. This will be a ONE TIME offer.

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Life is a gift from God and begins at conception.

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2nd Amendment

“The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”

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As a country, we are failing the young minds of our Nation at every level.

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But for the grace of God, there go I…

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Election Integrity

Election Integrity is the cornerstone of our Republic.

Consequently, its corruption impacts the entirety of the structure. At issue is the future of our country. Nothing could be more important.

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Unlike my opponent, Norma J Torres, I will always DEFEND the police and I will never support DEFUNDING them. Law enforcement and all of our First Responders have my unwavering support, in every aspect of their profession, to do their jobs effectively, proficiently and professionally.

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I have found as a general rule, that in vigorous debate or heated conversation, the first one to raise the specter of race is usually the real racist. I believe all black lives matter, but “Black Lives Matter” is a radical Marxist movement.

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You can vote your way into it. You’ll have to shoot your way out. Socialism initially presents itself as the great “equalizer”. In reality, the only equality actually achieved is one of equal hardship, misery and despair.

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Seniors and Healthcare

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

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We owe a debt we cannot pay…but we must try.

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We all want the same thing.

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Jobs and the Economy

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California…we have a problem.

Endorsed by:

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“That which governs least, governs best!” – Thoreau

The solution to our economic situation is, and always has been, lower taxes, less fees and fewer government regulations.

Before the pandemic hit, our country finished what could quite possibly be the greatest decade in human history in terms of economics, prosperity and peace. Yet, we in California were still facing the highest taxes, the greatest exodus of businesses, the worst explosion of homelessness, the greatest decline in education and the loss of a quality of life unprecedented in our State’s history.

The 35th Congressional District suffers from the same issues the State does, incompetent leaders who have chased businesses and employers out of the area. We have the highest taxes, across the board, and the least to show for it. Instead of working to stimulate the inherent creativity of the great people of California, our leaders enact job killing legislation like the misguided AB5 which seeks to rip the heart out of our small businesses and entrepreneurs.

The heartbeat of our nation, and our State, is a free economy! The biggest impediment to it is government involvement. When competition thrives, the people prosper. Personal freedom and free enterprise are the engines that drive everything else. It’s that simple. Lower the tax burden and eliminate burdensome government regulation and we will bounce back quicker than it takes to pack up and move to Texas!

People have to wake up! We cannot fix this State with the same officials in office who created the problems! We MUST have new leadership! This will require a grass roots movement and the personal resolve of every voter in the State to ignore the media rhetoric and vote for Donald Trump. But he can’t do it alone, we also need to vote for those who will support him as he tries to fix the mess we are in. You’ve seen the result of our current leadership, our State is crumbling around us. What have you got to lose?

My mandate in Congress will be to work with Federal, State and local governments to create a “business friendly” environment throughout the District. Every manufacturer, every business, every union, every city and every voter should be behind me in this race for the simple fact that I am pro-business!

Businesses supply the jobs, jobs that pay the taxes and the dues that fund the pensions and the payrolls for the cities, the first responders and the educators! Business drives everything! And I want the 35th to become a magnet for businesses!

You have a business or a great idea for one? THIS is where you want to bring it! You need a job? THIS is where you will find one. I truly believe that the 35th (Pomona, Chino, Chino Hills, Upland, Montclair, Ontario, Eastvale, Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana) is the GREATEST district in California! We are the diamond in the rough! All it takes is the right leadership with the right vision in place and we will SHINE!


Election Integrity

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only count legal votes

Election integrity is the paramount issue of our time, for from it flow all the other issues plaguing our nation. It is upon this singular pursuit that our world will soon pivot from a celestial sphere of aspirations and possibilities to a swirling mass of unmitigated pain and misery as an unprecedented period of slavery emerges, clothed in the robes of Communism.

Think about it… every person currently elected to office was put in that position by a fraudulent system. Every single one of them. Why on earth would they want to “fix” the very system that put them in office? With overwhelming evidence that exhaustive overhauls need to take place in virtually every state, we now have a new litmus test for those in office. Do they support a full, top-down, and transparent audit of our election processes? Even if it costs them their position? If not, they need to be removed immediately. To survive what is coming, we MUST have leaders who value integrity above all else.

We must now harness the collective energies and efforts of our great nation in a way that has not been seen since our inception. If there ever was an hour upon which to try men’s souls, this is it!

Election Integrity is the cornerstone of our Republic. Consequently, its corruption impacts the entirety of the structure. As a result, whether it be economic issues, international issues, societal issues, environmental issues…nothing is as it should be! But the truth is those are all distractions from the REAL issue… We DID NOT CONSENT to the current leadership occupying key positions of power! Therefore, everything emanating from those people, every law, every rule and regulation runs contrary to the will of the American People!

To read more on Election Integrity and the lawsuit Mike is involved with at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, please click HERE to read his Op-Ed in the California Globe. To see the actual complaint, please click HERE.

Or HERE to read his Op-Ed in BizPacReview



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our children are our greatest treasure

As a Christian and a family man, I stand for the sanctity of the Biblical definition of Marriage and the protection of the nuclear family. The family unit is the cornerstone of our society, as it goes, so goes the Nation.

Years ago, my old Pastor said “If you know what a lawyer knows, you’d be a lawyer. If you know what a doctor knows, you’d be a doctor. When a child knows what an adult knows… They are no longer a child.” From the pornographic images in the “health” books forced on them in elementary school, to drag queen story time, we rob our children of their childhoods by sexualizing them at an early age. We force young minds, who are still just trying to figure out how to tie their shoes, to process adult concepts like “homosexuality” and “transgenderism”. This is both psychologically and emotionally destructive and it is wrong!

From the explicit images bombarding our children every time they look at their phones or televisions to the twisted ideas concocted out of the darkened hallways of our Sacramento “educators”, there is but one goal in this whole endeavor. Their objective is to create willing participants for the appetites of adult sexual predators. Why else would they advocate for puberty blocking drugs that delay the natural development process into an adult? Why else would they go to such lengths to try to redefine the term “pedophile” to “minor attracted person”? If we allow this, how can we condemn the actions of people like Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein, who exploit young girls, and yet allow grown men into our female bathrooms and locker rooms, all under the guise of being “transgender”? This must stop!

My family had a personal experience with this. We were traveling through Central California when we stopped for gas. As I was filling up the mini-van, unknown to me, a grown man, complete with mini-skirt and heels walked into the women’s bathroom while my daughter was in there. Thank God, nothing happened to her, but I promise the families of the 35th that I will work hard to ensure that no other family has to endure something like this in the future.

Unlike my opponent, Norma J Torres, I will protect our families and our children from the reach of these pedophile predators and I will work to safeguard their minds, hearts and emotions as well.



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whatever it takes!


Unlike my opponent, Norma J Torres, I will always DEFEND the police and I will never support DEFUNDING them. Law enforcement and all of our First Responders have my unwavering support, in every aspect of their profession, to do their jobs effectively, proficiently and professionally.

This election, the vote you cast will have literal life or death consequences. Your life, the life of your family, friends and neighbors depend on the choices you make for our next round of leaders. It’s that simple. Let me show you why…

When I was in the Army and hung around Special Forces soldiers, when they weren’t deployed somewhere, all they did was train. Constantly. Because of this, we have the greatest Special Forces in the world. Their proficiency and tactics are unrivaled anywhere. And it’s all due to training… Now, take that lesson and apply it to law enforcement who are deployed EVERY DAY to the streets and neighborhoods of our Nation. How much do they get to train? Nowhere near enough…

Many of the mistakes that happen are not due to bad policing or bad tactics, they’re due to being under-trained. And it’s not that our officers don’t know how to do certain things, our police academies are excellent! But when you’re constantly on patrol or stuck behind a desk, that skillset tarnishes. It’s like the old adage “Use it or lose it”. And in today’s world of bodycams and cell phones, you can’t afford to be rusty on ANYTHING!

So what’s the solution? Easy. It’s the EXACT OPPOSITE of what our leaders are proposing! We need to spend MORE on actual tactical police training, not LESS. And because an officer who is in training isn’t out there covering the streets, we need to hire MORE officers to fill the gaps, NOT LESS! To do anything different jeopardizes the ability of law enforcement to be the absolute best they can be when they respond to an emergency situation. And in today’s world, everything is an emergency, nothing is “routine”, nothing happens in isolation and ramifications for mistakes can be catastrophic.

I believe community relations begin with School Resource Officers (SROs). For many children, an SRO is their first personal contact with someone in law enforcement. This initial impression will color that child’s view of police from that point forward. Therefore, our SROs need to be the best and brightest we have. Many of these officers will not only interact with these children but with their families as well, and in so doing, create the building blocks for mutual trust and respect. Additionally, I will support funding for student loan relief for those in law enforcement and programs for those entering the profession modeled on successes such as the GI Bill and loan relief for Veterans. Many departments are struggling with staffing shortages. Student loan funding/forgiveness and payment for higher education opportunities will incentivize professionals to join the force.

When you cast your ballot in November, please remember this… leaders or legislators who have advocated for reduced law enforcement either don’t understand the issue or worse…they don’t care to fix it. Safety and Security should never be politicized! In the end, like another old adage, “You get what you paid for” comes into play. The most precious thing you possess is LIFE. We must place its care and protection in the hands of leaders who feel the same way.



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It’s time for a new plan… the cargile plan

Endorsed by:

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SYNOPSIS: Upon completion of the wall, all non-citizens residing within the continental United States prior to 2016, will have a 3 year period to begin filing for citizenship. Every available Federal resource will be allocated to expediting this process. This will be a ONE TIME offer. If you fail to begin the process within that 3 year period, you missed out on this opportunity. If you are a convicted felon and have abused your time in the United States, this offer is not available to you. However, if you have lived and worked in the United States, paid your taxes and obeyed our laws, you will have a once in a lifetime opportunity to become a citizen of the United States.

THE DETAILS: The greatest security measure the United States can have at its Southern border are strong, safe and prosperous neighbors in Mexico and the nations of Central America. However, my approach to immigration is rooted in two things: the Bible and the Law. Almost every issue plaguing our country at this moment can be solved with the simple Biblical principle “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” If I had been born in another country and saw what the United States offered in terms of freedom and opportunity, I would have done everything in my power to get here and make that available for myself and my family.

Rather than deal with immigration strictly through immigration laws, we should view the issue at hand as a contract…an unwritten contract. And as such, we should employ the idea of “detrimental reliance” to prove the nature of the agreement. For decades, there has been an unwritten agreement between the United States and the rest of the world that if you can just get here and assimilate into the fabric of our society, we will not enforce our immigration laws against you. How do we know this agreement exists? By the simple fact that millions and millions of undocumented immigrants uprooted their families, came here and did just that!

But now, we’re changing the terms of the agreement. With the building of the wall, we’re telling the world that we’re operating under a new agreement. From this time forward, we will enforce our immigration laws and you must use our designated ports of entry to enter into the United States. So where does this leave those who relied on the old agreement? Enter… The Cargile Plan.

First, we complete the wall. It is our number one defense against drugs and human trafficking and it is an essential element of our National defense. Additionally, it has been a high priority request by law enforcement at all levels for years. During this time of construction we begin re-allocating all available Federal resources for expediting a citizenship process for those who are physically residing in the United States. This will be a one-time event and a one-time opportunity for our Nation to close this chapter of our history.

Upon completion of the wall, the clock starts. We set three years as the time period for anyone who has lived here illegally prior to 2016, to begin filing for citizenship. If you fail to begin the process within that 3 year period, you missed out on this opportunity. If you are a convicted felon or have abused your time in the United States, this offer is not available to you. However, if you have lived and worked in the United States, paid your taxes and obeyed our laws, you will have a once in a lifetime opportunity to become a United States citizen. You still have to take the test and you have to pass, but we will expedite the process and reduce the cost to $50. Citizenship is like a marriage where divorce is not an option. Upon becoming a citizen, you will “forsake all others, until death do you part”. The United States is now your home, the Stars and Stripes is the flag of your allegiance and your oath is to the Constitution, not a political party or a person.

But Mike, this isn’t fair to those who did things the right way! And I would say “You are right!” This isn’t fair to those who did things legally and legitimately. However, we as a Nation, can continue down this road, spending literally HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS per year on illegal immigration (the cost of which is also born by these new citizens who “did it right”) or we choose to forgive the misdemeanor infraction of illegally entering the United States this one time and fix the problem ONCE AND FOR ALL. The theme of the Bible is God’s forgiveness of wrongdoing. I’m asking my Country, just this one time, in the interest of peace and justice, to pardon the trespass and extend conditional mercy to these individuals. Additionally, as stated above, illegally entering the United States is a misdemeanor. Voting illegally is a felony. Please don’t get used for your vote and forfeit this opportunity. This isn’t amnesty or even conditional amnesty, it is EXPEDITED CITIZENSHIP because it’s a humanitarian issue, not a political one.




A 9 minute journey that will last a lifetime...

Years ago, I made an award-winning short film that dealt with this very issue. Please enjoy… THE LIGHT OF DARKNESS

“Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social or moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics.” – ADL

I have found as a general rule, that in vigorous debate or heated conversation, the first one to raise the specter of race is usually the real racist. It is also interesting to me that “racism” is solely a visual prejudice. If you were to stand alongside someone in a pitch black room, and nothing was said, would you still be able to maintain a racial prejudice? No. When you close your eyes, we all look the same! The modern-day cultural cudgel we call “racism” is the political weapon of choice for those who seek to tear down and divide this great nation. And it is most often wielded with hypocritical abandon by those who project their own bigotries onto those around them. Do no fall for this sinister tactic! We are all Americans. We all have the same hope and dreams for our families. There is FAR more that unites us than divides us! We do not always have to agree on everything, but if we treat others the same way we want to be treated… I assure you, the best is yet to come!



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Life begins at conception

Life is a gift from God that begins at conception. And although I want to protect it from that moment forward, legislatively, one of the best things I’ve seen in my lifetime has been the “heartbeat bill”. If it has a heartbeat, it is definitively, incontrovertibly “alive”. As such, this tiny person has been endowed by our Creator with the unalienable right to LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS… just like the rest of us! Therefore, I will never support funding abortion.

There is nothing more precious than life and when we cheapen its intrinsic value we wind up with things like mass school shootings and condemning seniors to death in nursing homes. I tell people "Hitler brought the Jews to the gas chambers. Our governor brought the gas chamber to the nursing homes!"

When we view one another as simple “disposable” objects we set the stage for the rise of another Hitler or Stalin... or worse. My opponent, Norma J Torres, was once a 911 operator and yet she strongly supports abortion. One of the first things a 911 operator asks in order to determine whether a person is alive is “Do they have a PULSE?” or in other words, “Do they have a HEARTBEAT?”

However, I do feel strongly that we, as a nation, have largely failed in our duty to come alongside these women, regardless of how they became pregnant, and remove the consideration for abortion by making adoption a simple, convenient alternative. We need to re-look and re-think the entire process. Adopting a child shouldn’t take years and cost thousands and thousands of dollars for a couple who simply want to care for and raise a baby. The focus needs to be THE CHILD!

The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution speaks clearly to this issue when it says “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”



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Those who would trade freedom for security will soon have neither.

Unlike my opponent, I stand completely against Socialism/Communism. Both are a form of subjugation to governmental authority, all the while posing as egalitarian liberators. Socialism initially presents itself as the great “equalizer”. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, the only equality actually achieved is one of equal hardship, misery and despair.

Why would anyone want this? Because Socialism disingenuously offers security. In this pact, a person intentionally surrenders all their freedoms and God-given rights to the government in exchange for a promise to have their basic needs met. However, in actuality, when a person is “liberated” from all their freedoms, they become a slave…a slave of the State. And in this new master/slave agreement, the government is more than a willing participant. What master wouldn’t agree to meet the basic needs of the slaves? It’s in the master’s best interest!

If you reduce Socialism to its core components, it is simply control of a very large group by a very small group. The very small group (let us call it the “Central Committee” or the “Party”) controls every aspect of the large group. Everything they do, everything they think, everything they believe is controlled by the Central Committee. For this to occur, and to continue, requires a religious devotion by the masses. There is no authority higher than the Central Committee. They are the gods of the people and whatever they disseminate is always seen as “truth”. This necessitates that the Party ALWAYS be seen as being in control and working on the people’s behalf…even when it is obviously not. Witness the disastrous results of failed propaganda campaigns to maintain that illusion with events like Chernobyl in Russia and now Covid-19 in China. Maintaining this façade requires that “corrections” made by the Central Committee happen quickly and without resistance which is why it is imperative from the outset to disarm the general populace. After all, it’s for their own good.

Perhaps the most odious aspect of a Socialistic political view is that it allows legislators to make laws for the rest of us that they do not apply to themselves. They feel they are a law unto themselves. There is no standard above them and, as a result, they can redefine everything from lying to murder. The United States has always conducted itself under the Judeo-Christian principles and standards set forth in the Bible and this is precisely why we have enjoyed unparalleled peace and prosperity. If we jettison that standard in favor of the shifting opinions of Washington politicians…we are doomed.


Second Amendment

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“The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”

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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

“The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Period. This is a “right” endowed by our Creator in the same way the “right” to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness were recognized by our framers in the Declaration of Independence. Thus, it is absolute and exists from birth to death for every human being. It is neither given by government and nor can it be taken away by such. The 2nd Amendment is a recognition of that divinely given “right” and a unique promise among world governments not to “infringe” or “trespass” upon it.

Additionally, as the 2nd Amendment in our Bill of Rights, it must be viewed with the same liberality as that extended to the 1st Amendment. What journalist must first seek a permit from a State or Federal agency to exercise their freedom of the press? Yet, somehow, liberals feel the need to subjugate the 2nd Amendment to massive oversight from both. This must stop!

This unrestricted right is recognized as belonging to the common citizens (Militia) of the United States to ensure the security of our free State. Naturally, this then extends to one’s home and person which are both essential to being able to safeguard the “free State”.

The 2nd Amendment exists to ensure the survival of the 1st Amendment (as well as the rest of our Constitution). Without it, our Republic will cease to exist.

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Seniors and Healthcare

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treat others the same way you want to be treated


The pandemic brought to light the utter contempt our liberal leaders have for our senior citizens. Their callous decisions stem from a complete disregard for LIFE that manifests itself in a willingness to kill infants and the elderly. When all is said and done, more seniors will have died in nursing homes at the hands of Democrat governors than died in the attack on 9-11. I will support all efforts to hold these people criminally liable for these blatantly unconstitutional crimes against humanity. Their positions of leadership should not shield such atrocities any more than Hitler could claim immunity by being the leader of the (Nazi’s) National Socialist German Workers' Party. Additionally, I will support all efforts to increase penalties and punishments for those convicted of elder abuse. If there was ever a need for the designation of a “hate crime”, it would be for those who target the most vulnerable among us.


Like so many other facets of our society, the biggest roadblock to a robust healthcare system is government intrusion. It should be a free market, responding to the laws of supply and demand. As our healthcare demands increase with each generation, the supply of healthcare professionals, insurance, equipment and medication must increase at an even greater rate to drive costs down. Nothing drives prices down faster than competition. No one has a “right” to healthcare, but we all need it! Therefore, it should be affordable to all. Right now, the market is being artificially inflated due to heavy industry regulation. We need transparency and we need to remove the restraints constraining competition on a State by State basis and allow inter-state access to all facets and suppliers in this industry. This is where the collective bargaining power of a union or co-op can be fully realized. Additionally, I would support an effort to provide real tax credits and incentives to those who choose this profession.



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one size does not fit all with education

As a country, we are failing the young minds of our Nation at every level.  

Primary Education: I am absolutely pro-choice when it comes to the education of our children. Parents should be able to choose the school and environment best suited for their child. Nowhere is the misguided “one size fits all” mentality more prominently displayed than our approach to education. In today’s world, we need to free parents of the antiquated mindset that your child is relegated to the local public school and equip and empower them to discover the wealth of opportunity that exists in the forms of public, public online, private, charter and home schools. Additionally, we need to bring back vocational classes as early as middle school. Not every child is meant for college. We need to recognize that fact and provide ample opportunity for those children as well.

Secondary Education: Unfortunately, we have allowed our colleges and universities to deteriorate into profit centers instead of institutions of free thought and higher education. If there is one positive aspect of the pandemic, it is that it has brought to the forefront, the malicious practices of many of our top universities. It is unconscionable that these schools are allowed to charge full tuition (and all the accompanying “fees” and “charges”) while students are not allowed on campus and relegated to an online only learning experience, akin to what they would receive at any local or community college. What makes this unfair business practice even more egregious is the fact that these same institutions enjoy endowment and alumni funding in the BILLIONS of dollars. If there was ever a time for a university to place the education of its students above its own financial interests, that time is now! Instead, these State and Federally-funded universities display their true agendas, which is a profit margin born on the backs of the students and their parents. This educational extortion must stop! No company in the United States would be allowed to continue to do business if it operated under such heavy handed practices while benefitting from taxpayer dollars.




you will not be forgotten!

My grandfather was an Army Officer in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. He retired on 100% disability and was buried with full military honors. My biological father was killed by a sniper in Vietnam as a young Lieutenant who left behind a wife, a son and a daughter he’d never met. My mother re-married one of his West Point classmates (who I consider my actual “father”) who received two Purple Hearts and is now retired on 100% disability. I served on active duty as an Army Officer for a brief period during Desert Storm. The care of and concern for our Veterans is very personal to me and will always be at the forefront of my mind and at the top of my priorities.




Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) 2022

the data doesn’t lie

By far, California has the largest homeless population in the country. This should be no surprise given the fact that our current leadership has incentivized and developed an entire economy around it. While politicians and real estate developers line their pockets, pretending to address the issue, the root causes are never confronted. As a result, the rest of us become victims of the crime and lawlessness that ensue as a natural consequence.

“Homeless” is not a disease. It is a condition. And it is usually the result of a list of unfortunate events, circumstances or choices made by, or forced upon an individual. Because of this, there cannot be a “one size fits all” solution. However, no matter how effective a treatment or training program may be, we wind up at the same place. Unless a person has a severe psychological or mental disorder, that person needs a JOB and unfortunately, people and businesses are leaving the State in record numbers.

Democrats hold a super-majority in the California State Assembly and have been the majority party continuously since 1996. They also hold a super-majority in the State Senate and have been the majority party continuously since 1956. The last Republican Governor in California was Arnold Schwarzenegger. His term ended in 2010. There is a direct correlation between the rise of Democratic leadership in California, homelessness and the loss businesses and employment opportunities.

Homelessness is an issue we cannot begin to address with the same people in office who created the problem. If we were to quit subsidizing the drugs and the homeless, we might begin to see real solutions develop. But to do that, we need new leadership, top to bottom, and we need it NOW!



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A cobalt mine.

The greatest, cleanest, most reliable source of electricity is nuclear power. However, regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, we all want to wind up at the same place. A world with clean air, pristine, untamed oceans, drinkable water and soil free of toxins, carcinogens and chemicals.

The journey to that beautiful destination becomes the issue. I love the idea of clean, green energy. In fact, I have solar panels on my house and I had no apprehension availing myself of the Federal and State rebates accompanying their installation. However, most of what we see being pushed as “environmentally friendly” energy sources are anything but… Most of what is currently being sold to the public is driven by dark sources of corporate greed. Think with me on this one example…

The only real environmental difference between an electric vehicle (EV) and a gasoline vehicle (GV) is at the tailpipe. Everything else is basically the same. The car transports you from point A to point B, but the EV has zero emissions. However, with just a little research, you discover that it takes over 13 tons of CO2 just to manufacture the 80kwh Li-ion batteries. And where does the electricity come from to re-charge them? You got it, more CO2 producing utility companies using fuels like coal, petroleum fuel or natural gas. But some have said “Mike, I charge my EV at night using my solar panels.” Really? Solar panels don’t work at night, they require sunlight. The real push for EV’s is to create off-peak demand for electricity because of the success of solar panels.

Additionally, in order to create the EV’s field of batteries, you literally have to destroy the planet in order to mine the vast amounts cobalt, aluminum, nickel, lithium and graphite needed. And the demand is only increasing as we utilize batteries in literally every electronic device we have. Wouldn’t it make sense, ecologically, if we were to work to REDUCE the demand for these batteries and such destructive practices? And while there is a concerted effort to recycle much of a spent battery, it’s still nowhere near 100% recyclable. Our landfills are saturated with spent, leaking batteries that seep into the environment and ground water causing untold human suffering due to cancers, birth defects and a whole host of other illnesses. I, for one, am not willing to sacrifice our water and soil simply for cleaner air, especially when there are viable alternatives. As a legislator, on every front, I would push for more research and development into comprehensive solutions like Hydrogen Fuel Cells, which is essentially the same as both vehicles above, but the only thing that escapes from the tail pipe…is water.