Whatever it is, we can work it out.
Unlike Norma Torres who supports Open Borders (H.R. 957), Mike stridently stands against them. These unconstitutional policies allow massive human/child trafficking, a flood of fentanyl and death on our streets and the loss of millions of jobs by Americans. Because of the crime and homelessness that accompany an open border, Mike also stands for your right to defend yourself, your family and your community by any means necessary. Norma Torres wants to remove your right to own a gun. To read more, click HERE.
Norma Torres voted AGAINST the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act (H.R. 734). Why would Norma want to subject female athletes to this sort of abuse?
Mike wholeheartedly stands against boys in girls’ sports, men in women’s bathrooms, the sexualization of our children and any forms of institutional racism like DEI and CRT. He absolutely supports the Right of Parents to know EVERYTHING that goes on in school. To read more, click HERE.
Unlike Norma Torres who refused to protect your gas stove (H.R. 1615), Mike will protect the gas in your car, the gas in your stove, the price of the food on your table and the safety of your family. To read more, click HERE.
Norma Torres voted against Detaining and Deporting Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops (H.R. 7343, which includes Fire and First Responders). She also voted not to prosecute and deport illegal aliens who commit crimes in the United States (Laken Riley Act – H.R. 7511), Mike stands WITH our Law Enforcement and First Responders. He also supports Qualified Immunity for officers (which Norma opposes) and stands against an open border (which Norma supports).To read more, click HERE.
Seniors are the most used and abused demographic in our country. Every election cycle politicians vie for their votes and attention, only to kick them to the curb once the election passes. To read more, click HERE.
Mike is a 3rd generation Army Officer who believes Norma Torres has violated her Oath of Office in numerous ways and any veteran who supports her, does so in violation of their own Oath to defend the Constitution. To read more, click HERE.
Mike supports unions that exist to aid and support their members and the families of those members.
He does not support corrupt union leaders who enrich and empower themselves on the backs of their members. To read more, click HERE.
As a country, we are failing the young minds of our Nation at every level. To read more, click HERE.
Rooted in the Bible and the Law, Mike has created “The Cargile Plan”. To read more, click HERE.
In a clear violation of her Oath of Office, Norma Torres voted against the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act which requires proof of citizenship to vote in Federal elections – H.R. 8281. Mike supports same day voting for American citizens only. He believes voting should only occur with presentation of a valid government-issued photo identification, on paper ballots, that are then hand counted on the same day. He also supports designating Election Day as a Federal holiday in support of the above.
Norma Torres voted to withhold medical help to babies who survive an abortion (H.R. 26). That's infanticide.
Mike is Pro-Life... ALL life. From the womb to the tomb. It all begins at conception and ends with the last beat of your heart and should be safe-guarded every moment between those two events. If we cheapen it anywhere... we cheapen it everywhere. This was most graphically illustrated during Covid when the elderly were killed by the thousands, almost like Jews in Nazi Germany, by Democrat governors who had ZERO regard for the life of those seniors. Like President Reagan and Trump, Mike supports exceptions in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother. To read more, click HERE.
The 2nd Amendment was placed in the Bill of Rights as a safeguard for all the other Rights. It allows "the People", the citizens of the United States, the right to protect themselves, their family, their state and their country with WHATEVER is required. "Shall not be infringed" means just that! Any restriction, registration or regulation of that right, is by definition, an "infringement" and is unconstitutional. To read more, click HERE.
By far, California has the largest homeless population in the country. This should be no surprise given the fact that our current leadership (Norma Torres) has incentivized and developed an entire economy around it. While politicians and real estate developers line their pockets, pretending to address the issue, the root causes are never confronted. As a result, the rest of us become victims of the crime and lawlessness that ensue as a natural consequence. To read more, click HERE.
Cannabis should be legalized across the country and regulated in the same way as alcohol. Only adults should be able to purchase it. If your cognitive functions have been impaired, it should illegal to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery. Toxicity levels should be regulated the same way we treat beer, wine and hard alcohol. To read more, click HERE.
Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, we all want to wind up at the same place. A world with clean air, pristine, untamed oceans, drinkable water and soil free of toxins, carcinogens and chemicals. To read more, click HERE.
Unlike Norma Torres who supports Socialism (H. Con. Res. 9), I stand completely against Socialism/Communism. Both are a form of subjugation to governmental authority, all the while posing as egalitarian liberators. To read more, click HERE.